Envision Franklin, Land Use Plan

Envision Franklin articulates the long-term vision of the kind of places that Franklin’s residents, businesses, and institutions want for their future.  The Plan provides policies that reinforce this collective vision by directing future development in a way that strengthens the City and creates exceptional places for people.  The Plan sets forth a framework that provides support in making land-use decisions, managing the quality of development, determining the timing and location of future growth, and directing investment and development activity.  This is accomplished through a series of unique design concept classifications to identify primary and secondary uses, development form and intensity, site design principals, and related transportation infrastructure.


City of Franklin

Project Size:

75 square miles


Franklin, TN



January 2017


Planning, Community Engagement

In Association With:

CHA Consulting



We led the planning tasks for the preparation of an updated city and urban growth area-wide land use plan. The City of Franklin municipal limits encompass approximately 41 square miles, while the urban growth boundary includes an additional 34 square miles of land area. Building on work completed as part of the City of Franklin Comprehensive Transportation Network Plan, the Envision Franklin land use plan update maps a series of 25 unique design concept classifications. Each classification addresses the form and character of development as well as appropriate land uses. Recommendations identify primary and secondary uses, development character and intensity, site design principals, and related transportation infrastructure needs within each design concept.

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REA utilized the CommunityViz software package to perform a detailed development suitability analysis which analyzed each parcel included in the urban growth boundary. A suitability score was calculated for each parcel based on factors such as flood area, hillsides, stream buffers, utilities, thoroughfares, employment centers, commercial centers, and fire stations. This information will be used in the future as a component of the development review process.

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