Our team hosted a design charrette and two public open houses for the City of Evansville's Jacobsville Neighborhood Redevelopment Master Plan. This process will create a long-term community vision for redevelopment and investment into the heart of the Jacobsville neighborhood. REA is leading the interdisciplinary team with Myerson Consulting for housing analysis, and EnviroKinetics, Inc. for community engagement support and environmental justice planning.

This charrette week was filled with focus group discussions and public open houses to gather as much information as possible so that our planning team could understand residents’ concerns, goals, and visions for the Jacobsville Redevelopment area. The new vision being developed will provide a guide to all project stakeholders through policy recommendations and physical projects to help shape the future of Jacobsville for years to come. Plan completion is anticipated by Spring 2024.
Event Media Coverage:
Jacobsvilleeyeing improvements following open house | News | wevv.com
JacobsvilleRedevelopment holds open house Monday (14news.com)