A keystone project identified in Purdue’s Great Leaps Master Plan, Third Street Greenway Vision Plan outlines the transformation of an existing vehicular street into an activated, linear pedestrian and bicycle experience. New pedestrian walkways, a dedicated cycle track, and green infrastructure elements support substantial pedestrian volumes and access to popular destinations along the corridor.
The project encompasses approximately 2.5 acres and connects Purdue’s western, student centered housing district with the eastern, historic core of the academic campus - from Jischke Drive to Centennial Mall. The design vision incorporates numerous plazas of varying scales to foster a vibrant academic community. When completed, the project’s conversion will serve as the first westward promenade emanating from the University’s campus core.
A significant project challenge includes a highly complex network of existing utility tunnels and vaults located below the project site. In addition, access to building service areas and emergency vehicle accommodation is required throughout the length of the corridor.
Working as part of a multidisciplinary team, we crafted an elegant design solution that complements the existing conditions, meets the necessary functional access requirements, accommodates significant pedestrian and bicycle traffic volumes, and provides an exciting new campus experience through a connected sequence of beautiful and activated campus spaces that supports the university’s master plan goals.